The Advantages and Disadvantages of Having a Home-Based Job

Advantages Disadvantages Home Based Job

home-based job advantages and disadvantagesHaving a home-based job is certainly not for everyone, so it’s important to consider the advantages and disadvantages before make it a part of your lifestyle. Here are a few of each to help you decide if working from home will suit you well.

The Pros of a Home-Based Job

1. No Commute

One of the biggest advantages of working from home is the time you save on commuting back and forth to work. It may look trivial but for most, this means an extra shuteye, more time for your family, or the chance not to skip breakfast. Instead of sitting in traffic, you’ll have more time to spend with your family or be productive.

2. Greater Flexibility

A home-based job allows you to wear your most comfortable clothes, work during your most productive times, and create a workflow and working environment that works best for you.

3. Reduced Distractions

While there may be distractions at home too, it’s much easier to control them than the distractions that come from coworkers, employees, and other office-based noises.

4. Less Stress

You have more control over your stress level when you work from home. You can easily take a break or get some fresh air when the going gets tough.

5. Save Money

Aside from the money saved from commuting, working from home saves you from the expensive meals at the cafeteria and mandatory dress code. You can also write off a small portion of your home office expenses on your taxes.

The Cons of a Home-Based Job

1. More Self-Discipline

Getting up and focusing on work every day when you’re at your comfort zone. It takes a great deal of self-discipline and motivation not to surf the web, watch TV, or just lie on your comfy and warm bed all day.

2. Solitary Confinement

Some people–especially the social ones–find that working from home is like a solitary confinement. If you like to be around with people, a home-based job might be frustrating. Video and phone calls might not satisfy your longing for human interactions and support of your colleagues and supervisors.

3. Technical Issues

If you’re no tech-savvy, handling even the most basic technical issues can be frustrating. No internet connection or software crash might stall your work and request for tech support might not be as prompt as it is in an office setting.

4. Longer Work Hours

The workday seems longer when you work from home since it starts and stops in the same place. If you lose track of time, you may find yourself working later into the evening without an overtime pay.

5. Lesser Benefits

If you work as a full-time freelancer, you will lose great company benefits–unless you personally apply for it. These include health insurance, social security, housing and car allowance, and a steady monthly income.

A home-based job can be a great solution for certain people but definitely not for all. Using the pros and cons above, assess yourself and weigh your options. For more career tips and working hacks, feel free to browse our site.

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